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Aftersleep Books - 2005-06-20 07:00:00 | © Copyright 2004 - www.aftersleep.com () | sitemap | top |
However, I've been a fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon for a while now due to her many helpful books for writers, including "The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook" and "A Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Middle Ages". Both of which I use religiously. So when I was browsing Amazon one day and found out she actually wrote vampire romances (my favorite) I couldn't resist!
That said, I decided to start with "Kiss of the Night" because it won me over as soon as I read the synopsis. What a great idea for a dark romance! A gorgeous, brooding (they're always brooding haha), immortal Viking warrior named Wulf Tryggvason (still can't figure out how to pronounce the last name LOL) no one can remember five minutes after he leaves the room ends up saving an Apollite princess, Cassandra Peters, from a gang of soul-sucking vampire thugs (it took a while for me to realize what Daimons actually were LOL). The thing that blew me away is that Cassandra, being an Apollite, is destined to die on her 27th birthday like the rest of her accursed race. The problem with that is since she is a direct descendant of the God Apollo himself if she dies without heirs so does the Sun and obviously the rest of the world.
OK, now that I had the basic stuff down I dived into the book with relish. Unfortunately the first few pages did more to confuse me than anything else. I have to admit I am a mythology buff and some of the back-story Sherri reveals about the gods and how the curse came about could have used a bit more detail. I actually had to reread it several times before I got it all straight; partly because I kept comparing it to other myths I've read. Granted they didn't make much sense either (most myths never do) but let me assure you if you're still confused after a few rereads then just go on with the rest of the book. Like me, you'll eventually pick up enough to catch on.
The writing style also threw me off at first. It's so in your face today -- with modern slang and references included -- that it honestly took a minute for me to get use to but once I did I found it very refreshing and fun. The fight scenes were good too. Very Matrix/Buffy/Angel style. Especially the drag down, knock out fight between Acheron and Stryker. Talk about edge of your seat action! I've become an instant Ash fan! Which also leads to one of my complaints. Ash seems way too convenient to have in this series. Especially when he helps Cassandra at the very end. It felt more like a cheat to me than a true happy ending. Not to mention, I really didn't feel it made much sense but maybe that's because I'm unclear on exactly what Cassandra becomes. Because, as far as I know, once the lips turn blue a body's dead. If that happens the system shuts down and having babies for the undead womb is literally impossible. However, it seems to me Ash has the power to grant a lot of things. I'm starting to wonder if he's some form of Death incarnate or a God himself, which would really explain his scenes with Artemis and the whole Simi thing. The problem is it breaks the rules Sherri sets for the series in my opinion. If Ash can just set things right whenever they go wrong then all the struggling and angst Wulf and Cassandra went through seems rather pointless to me, if not downright unkind. However, she did do a very good job exploring their angst at losing each other and Cassandra's fear of dying. I shed a tear a few times.
The only other complaints I have are the Dark-Hunter.com web site name dropping every five minutes (which seemed more like shameless self-promotion to me and got annoying after a while) and the sex scenes. I know -- what? I hate to say this but I'm afraid they just didn't turn me on much at all and that's bad for a romance novel. Honestly the sex always felt kind of dumped in there between the main plot and the rest of the story. Of course, the dream sequences were part of the main plot but even they left me high and dry. I never got to focus on them long enough to get involved. There was no lingering, teasing passion building to a climax. Basically, it never felt like they were making love. It always felt like they just... I dunno... f@#$ked. In fact, I actually found myself skimming sex a few times just to get back to the main story which, now that I look back, is a bit disappointing. A romance novel is supposed to make you hot and I have a few novels I've read in the past that had no problem turning my crank so to speak. This one just... didn't.
I'm still very excited about the series and can't wait for the other books to arrive. I have a feeling they'll become my favorite in vampire romance. This book is a light, fun read but BUYER BEWARE -- this is not Anne Rice so if you're a Rice fan and looking for the next Queen of Darkness you'll probably do better elsewhere. However, if you love Buffy and Angel then this series will definitely do something for you. I, personally, can't wait to find out what Ash is!