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Awakening Intuition Using Your Mind-Body NetworkThe following report compares books using the SERCount Rating (base on the result count from the search engine). |
Aftersleep Books - 2005-06-20 07:00:00 | © Copyright 2004 - www.aftersleep.com () | sitemap | top |
Mona Lisa, having posed herself before the artists and readers of the pen , must now live the power/vulnerability she so aptly describes. While she shouldn't be trusted under the hood or near the transmission of a car, I believe she has made superlative contributions in neuropsychiatry and medical intuition. She has "...read nearly everything that's been written about neurological control of the body's movement."
-pages: 397 info-packed (3000-word review would be sketchy.)
-citations: 28.5 pages (8% of content), topic-grouped, predominantly from prof. journals.
-index: comprehensive, 700 entries
-definitions: ample
-accessibility: complexity made readable. (sample ref: "A Left and Right Hemisphere Callosal Transfer Deficit of Non-Linguistic Alexithymia")
-rigor: anecdote, personal experience and hard research are balanced.
Main Theme:
"Disease is a message that we need to receive so that we can re-evaluate some aspect of our lives and...probably change it."
confident, certain, sudden, emotional, nonanalytic, gestalt, empathic, unworded, creative; "the process of reaching accurate conclusions based on inaccurate information." Types: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, déjà vu, dreams... But, "Intuition without grounding in the world is useful to no one."
What of dreams?
Why would they be God/Nature-given? How might dreaming have enabled preservation of the species? Certainly humans contemplate actions/consequences while awake. Perhaps this continued into more complicated scenarios during sleep when the brain was not burdened with the senses and conscious behaviors. Perhaps throughout prehistory, when humans contemplated hazard, a frightening dream appeared, and the future genetic survivors backed off.
For avoiding illness Schulz calls for balancing of power and vulnerability in areas of trust/mistrust, activity/passivity, competence/incompetence, responsibility/irresponsibility, aggression/compliance, winning/losing, isolation/intimacy, independence/helplessness, morality/immorality, self-expression/holding back, rigidity/flexibility, receptivity/un-receptivity, rationality/non-rationality, purpose-in-life/detachment-from-life, and even left-brain/right-brain functioning.
Autonomous Health:
Schulz explains that multiple personality disorder brings different illnesses within each personality. In one individual only one/some personalities will have migraines, allergies, drug reactions, poor eyesight, right handedness or even burn marks. (references from: Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinics of North America; Journal Clin. Psychiatry; J. Nerv. Ment. Dis; Dissociation (3 ref's); and Brit J. Psychiatry) This confirms illness choice and the need to tune in to our intuition, emotions and bodies regarding predictions/preventions/causations of ADD, addiction, alcoholism, bowel disease, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, fibroids, epilepsy, immune system failure, infertility, Lou Gehrig's disease, trauma, mental illnesses, spinal pain and injury, others.
Information Selections:
-belonging: every body system is affected by belonging.
-brain use: awake/asleep, 10%/100%.
-cancer, breast, if brave-cheerful-stoic...while hiding anger, sadness, grief, bad relationships.
-cancer, breast, if over-nurturing, over-sacrificing, over-giving/[*_*]\
-cancer, breast, predicted by response to trauma, not trauma.../[*_*]\
-cancer, cervical, passivity, pessimism, submissiveness.../[*_*]\
-cancer, prostate, loss of power'[-_-]'
-dreams and childbirth: anxiety and conflict in dreams enabled easier deliveries.
-dreams depict status of organs and warn of specific illnesses.
-dreams work as dry runs and lay down neuronal pathways for behaviors.
-dreams, frightening: if immed. discussed go to verbal memory, otherwise to body memory.
-eating disorders: brain areas for food and sex are proximate in women/[*_*]\
-emotions, basic: love, joy, anger, sadness, fear, shame
-emotions, suppression: inability to discuss intense emotions usually transforms into a symbolic language of symptoms and eventual illness...
-friendlessness risk: as great as smoking, obesity.
-heart, rabbits: ones on high cholesterol diet receiving human attention - little build-up.
-infertility drugs, 3x uterine cancer risk/[*_*]\
-infertility, male: ambivalence, guilt, work anxiety, pressure, relationship conflicts'[-_-]'
-intuition in any field "separates the men from the boys."
-in-vitro fertilization: if shaky relationship, eggs may visibly reject sperm in a dish/[*_*]\
-Jonas Salk's intuition book: creativity (involves) interaction of intuition and reasoning.
-left/right brain hemispheres: women more connected and can switch more easily/[*_*]\
-memory is stored in body areas and organs which communicate with the brain.
-mentally disordered persons, unusual intuition.
-messenger: through intuition your brain brings unwelcome, but needed, information.
-morality: flexibility and balance vital to eyes, ears, nose and brain
-organs: we will incur disease in the body organs associated with emotions split off.
-sinusitis: mucous lining shrinks and expands with emotions.
Selected Reference Titles:
arthritis: Personality and Chronic Arthritis
asthma: Paroxysmal Vocal Cord Motion in Presumed Asthmatics
bereavement: Impaired Natural Killer Cell Activity...
breast growth: ...Hypnotic Suggestion and Breast Growth/[*_*]\
cancer, breast: Psychosomatic Survey of Cancer of the Breast/[*_*]\
cancer, cervical: Relationship of Sexual Activity to Cervical Cancer
cancer, children: Life Events and the Occurrence of Cancer in Children(-.-)
cancer, u & c: The Psychological Setting of Uterine and Cervical Cancer/[*_*]\
cancer, attitudes: Mental Attitudes in Cancer
common cold: Social Ties and Susceptibility...
diabetes: Emotional Factors in Precipitation of Recurrent Diabetic Acidosis
dreams: Physiologically Diagnostic Dream
handedness: Scrotal Asymmetry and Handedness'[-_-]'
heart, women: Behavioral Barriers to Cardiovascular Health in Women/[*_*]\
heart: Psychosocial Factors and Myocardial Infarction
job loss ...Experience of Leaving a Job (health)
MS: Etiologic Significance of Emotional Factors in...Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's: Type of Personality Susceptible to Parkinson's Disease
pelvic pain: Childhood Sexual Abuse and Conseq. in Adult Women(-.-)/[*_*]\
psychosomatics: ... Family Influences and Psychosomatic Illness'[-_-]'/[*_*]\(-.-)
psychosomatics: ...Diabetes, Arthritis, Thyroid...Muscular Tensions and Infectious Diseases
technical Technical Intuition in System Diagnosis...
thyroid: Life Events in the Pathogenesis of Graves' Disease
thyroid: Thyroid Hot Spots: A Psychophysiological study
Our Gifts and Humility:
Imagine you are a perfectly fine specimen of the human body/mind/spirit, primarily dedicated to preservation of the species - but someone else is in charge. This is a conscious personality, relatively superficially created by contemporary society, who eats trash, uses drugs, overworks, underloves, undersleeps, provokes strangers and rejects all self-care information as the products of nuts. What would you do if you were this complex being with this "idiot" in charge? Might you scream out in dreams? Might you create a harmful-product-rejecting allergy? Might you create a mental/physical disorder to remove yourself from excessive demands or a threatening environment? We need to heed intuition's messages and warnings as we cultivate a deep respect for our millennia of development, and we need to understand that what goes on every second in our body/minds is hundreds of times more complex than anything we could ever consciously consider.
Bill Norwood