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The Head Negro in Charge Syndrome The Dead End ofThe following report compares books using the SERCount Rating (base on the result count from the search engine). |
Aftersleep Books - 2005-06-20 07:00:00 | © Copyright 2004 - www.aftersleep.com () | sitemap | top |
In his effort to shed some light on a difficult problem, the so-called "black problem," Mr. Kelley has used his well-honed craft as a journalist, deftly. He deserves credit for shinning the spotlight in many of the dark places in black culture (and on some of its most sacred of "sacred cows") where it is sorely needed-especially on the moribund black church, lack of an overall cultural strategy, and by picking holes in all of the past half-baked tactics. He correctly demonstrates that even when blacks win, they eventually lose.
However, importantly, he fails to give us the answer to the most perplexing question of all, why this is always the case?
By exposing the nakedness of the HNIC, the last Emperor of an otherwise dying black culture, he all but puts the last nail in a coffin that surely appears to need being shut forever. Instead of nearing the finish line of the last mile of freedom, Kelly demonstrates (whether he intended to or not) that black cultural chaos and self-destruction is all that there is as far out into the future as the eye can see.
There is a minor problem however with Mr. Kelly's astutely crafted analysis. How is it that while walking very slowly down the path to their last mile of freedom, the great minds of black intellectual culture have all made the same wrong turn in the fork in the road? Why have they all turned down the well-lighted path of collective cultural self-destruction?
Mr. Kelly's analysis does not ask or answer this question.
How easy it is to beat a dead (black) horse, which is also what Mr. Kelly, accuses the "Black Conservatives" of doing. How easy it is to fall back into one's own comfort zone of orthodoxy (and become a part of HNIC royalty oneself)-which is what he accuses the black liberals of doing. How easy it is to see all of the flaws when cultural sausage is being made without a recipe...
It seems that Mr. Kelly's analysis itself has committed the same error that he has accused the other great minds of having committed: He has failed to recognize when a paradigm shift is needed.
The paradigm shift that is needed has to do with the inadvertent missing link in Mr. Kelly's analysis. It turns out to be the only controlling variable that remains unaccounted for: It is called white racism. Yes, I know one has to be careful in using this variable. Black orthodoxy dictates that overuse makes one either an irrelevant cultural nationalist rebel or an impotent excuse-maker or rationalizer. Under-use, on the other hand, makes one either a "soft," or a "hard" Uncle Tom, an appeaser, a compromiser with evil.
But correct use makes for sound analysis.
In the face of all evidence to the contrary, Mr. Kelly would have us believe that by treating only one half of America's race problem (the black half), the "elusive effective most efficacious black strategy" does in fact exist and will in fact be found. His candidate is the old familiar composite-better organizational and programmatic planning, more strategic thinking--and by all means and without further delay more black forays into economic independence and internal self-development.
Mr. Kelly's book proves simply that at times even great minds can become fuzzy when they refuse to look at the simple truths facing them head on. Following Mr. Kelly's well-worn paradigm to black success, one would think that with Oprah, professional basketball, the Johnson publishing and Jackson music and BET broadcasting empires, the black economy would be well on its way to democratic and racial acceptance and thus to victory. That is, that the last mile of freedom should already have been accomplished. QED, amen.
Here is a mind game that Mr. Kelly evidently did not think to play. It is the same mind game that Howard Griffin played in his famous book "Black Like Me." Supposed Bill Gates, and Andrew Carnegie were black (or pick your own rich white tycoons, young or old, dead or live)? What difference would it have on the black masses?
Almost none is the correct, but not the exact answer. The exact answer is not only would it have little or no no effect on black culture as a whole, but the lives of these men would themselves be unalterably changed.
That is the exact answer.
The effects of white racism are global, systemic. There is no way to hide from it--no safe haven from it; it cannot be finessed or seduced-either analytically or existentially. Attempts to do so, just makes the analyst a part of the problem-that is a part of white collective denial about the collection of closed white superiority myths.
We cannot solve the problem of black culture without including America's own existential crisis with the issue of race in the analysis. Race is not an exogenous variable it is an endogenous one--an American problem. White racism is an American problem that blacks must help solve just as black self-development is a black problem that whites must help solve. We must stop running from the obvious and began to work within our American family and help our white brothers help themselves and in turn they will help us. There is no other solution, analytically or existentially.
Surely the author does not supposed for a moment that a well-educated, economically vibrant, culturally coherent black race is going to be welcomed with open arms into the larger economically competitive racist American family, does he? Anyone who thinks that has missed the real lessons of Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa and American Southern Reconstruction. These are the blacks who will be the most threatening to a weak white self-concept. As in Nazi Germany, the successful ones will be the ones most detested. We cannot forget, that white fantasy no matter how powerful and dominant is still not reality.
Just as there was no "Jewish problem" in Nazi Germany there is no "black problem" in America. There is only a white problem. Once that problem is solved, we will all be free.
The snake in America's bosom-white racism--must be confronted and slain, otherwise nothing that is not blonde and blue-eyed is safe. White racism is the gravity that holds a flawed white identity together; it is the glue that holds together a dying and corrupt system; it cannot be appeased by either good or bad black strategies because it remains unaffected by them. It must be confronted, and then confronted some more. Amen.
This book deserves six stars! It is awesome.