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Aftersleep Books
America s God and Country Encyclopedia of QuotatiThe following report compares books using the SERCount Rating (base on the result count from the search engine). |
Aftersleep Books - 2005-06-20 07:00:00 | © Copyright 2004 - www.aftersleep.com () | sitemap | top |
Throughout my search and in all the documents and books I have read, I have attempted to understand the inner souls of our founders, their families, their philosophies, their beliefs and their hopes. It saddens me greatly, that I did not have this book to read prior to starting that great and rewarding adventure.
For it confirms what it has taken me a youthful lifetime to find out for myself and to develope an in depth understanding which I believe I have finally arrived at.
This book is the quentisential prerequisite to understanding the true American Dream, it's purpose and our founders original intentions in all their thoughts, words and deeds. American youth, parents, administrators, scholars, and politicians need this book to bring them back to the true founders path. That path based upon the realities of their understanding and not the falsehoods of our hypocritical scholars of today.
America's God and Country should be required reading in every single school room, every office building, every legal office and should sit on the bench beside every single Judge in this land. Especially the United States Supreme Court whom seem to have completely lost their way, their duty and their limits of interference. For it cast a disgusting shadow over the degeneracy of our Judical, legal and political system which have terribly gone far astray today.
I would recommend that this book, "America's God and Country" be the first book some one read prior to embarking upon an exploration of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, the Northwest Ordinance and the Federalist Papers, all essential documents to our heritage. This book will without question, give the reader the preliminary and basic understanding from which all other issues flow.
After which a reading of some of those current books by William Bennett and other such authors will make much more sence. Without it's indespensible wisdom the reader has no foundation or superstructure form which to begin. It is the wisdom of the ages inculcated in a single book. A must read for anyone who seeks the truth.