Very new-agey, not traditional Native American religion. I didn't read it all, I stopped reading when she starting espousing mormon beliefs about Jesus being Quetzecoatl and how he came to America in a conoe to spread the good word. It's like she just picked up the book of mormon, copied it, and added "native" words like "earth mother" and "sky father" to it. Very cheesy. Little too far out, even for me.
READ IT and Believe Anything is Possible
Rating: 5/5
Here is a book of joy for a cynical world. The author does not deny the very real problems we face as individuals and as a global community, but offers solid practices that everyone can take to transform the planet. Full of wisdom and humor, it is also a book that speaks to the spirit in a very personal way. Her words invite you to believe that humans truly can walk in beauty and peace on the Earth instead of behaving like viruses with shoes. Join the last Ghost Dance and feel the joy!!