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Aftersleep Books
Eric Meyer on CSS Mastering the Language of Web DThe following report compares books using the SERCount Rating (base on the result count from the search engine). |
Aftersleep Books - 2005-06-20 07:00:00 | © Copyright 2004 - () | sitemap | top |
Why would you buy it?
1) CSS is the next step up in web design. It's fluid, flexible, can make your pages load faster, and can be MUCH easier to work with than screwing around with tables and placeholder images.
2) It'll make your page more appealing to people and search engines.
3) This is a tutorial book. You can get a reasonably good handle on CSS if you are not already an expert.
4) It not only walks you through the exercises in words but presents visual representations of what your example pages will look like.
5) Lots of books accomplish #4 to some degree but this is an oversized color volume, which makes it much easier to work with.
6) New Riders makes good stuff. They are consistently one of the best publishers along with O'Reilly and this book is no different.
There is no "quick reference" in this book for all the CSS markups you will learn in the tutorials and the index could have been a little bit better. There were a couple little things that didn't seem to work perfectly, but 99% of the time the exercises turned out perfectly. Other than those few things, this book is about as good as it gets.
In the nature of fair disclosure, New Riders provided a complimentary copy of the book for review a couple of months ago. It has gotten and will continue to get plenty of use.