Now I'm at some sort of fortress guarded by a friend of mine. I go up to him and ask to see his hands. He puts them out and I examine every finger closely. Suddenly someone behind the door says that I figured out the code and the door opens. They say something along the line of "shes a geek" and then I enter and destroy the fortress. Then a woman comes and tells me she has to reprogram my brain. She changes it so I can't hurt her and that I hate Jake Gylen-whats-his-face.
Now I'm in a mall. I see the woman who is now Oprah and she's sitting in a booth advertising the fortress. I grab a shovel and begin to go after her. She runs into Delia's and everyone starts screaming as I'm chasing her through the store. I chase her back to her booth and bash her in the head, cutting it off. She is now a jack in the box though, and only a paper spring is left, which is still attacking me. I hit the spring with the shovel and it dies. Then I woke up.