Little kids don't really like to travel, they want their own things arond them in their own house. And, then there's constantly changing schools.......
You can travel now as much as you like, and I'm sure your future husband would love the nomadic lfe, but kids...... when they come later on, you just need to make a sacrifice for a few years. And then, you can be on the move again!
If I didn't have YMA, I'd be able to accompany my husband on his various business trips around Australia and the world. But, it would be too disruptive for YMA to be shuffled around like that. He needs stability in his life, and I'm making the sacrifice because I chose to have him.
Of course, you may strike it lucky and marry someone rich, and ten you can take your nanny and your tutors and the rest of the household around the world with you. We aren't that well off, so I stay at home.