by Astarte on Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:26 am
We are so darn politacally correct that it's reached the point of ridiculousness.
We celebrate the mediocre, it's a sad world where the naturally gifted and talented have to pretend their achievements are due to good luck and never-ending hard work, or be pariahed for thinking they are better than the rest of us.
As for baa baa rainbow sheep, what a load of crap. Here's some news for you! There are black sheep in the world, and hang onto your socks, they provide wool just the same as the others, and their darker wool is very useful in fairisle knitting........ shocking, I know.
Perhaps we should eliminate the words black, yellow, red, white and brown from the languages of the world? Would that help? Probably not. How about removing the eyes of all new born children? That would solve everything.
Nursery rhymes do have a gory history for the most part, that has mainly been forgotten. Let's leave it that way. There's too much religious and race hatred in the world right now without dgredging up things from centuries past and carrying on over what is now a child's kindergarten song.

...Weep no more...