The twentieth century saw some of the biggest revolutions mankind has faced since someone decided to rub two sticks together.
Mankind got off the ground! We flew! Not only that but in the space of three quarters of a century we'd gone from landlubbers to rising above the atmosphere!
Rocket power was invented, at first for worse, but later for the better - the means to get to space.
We landed on the Moon! Not content to sail around in our safe little atmosphere, we went beyond, then not content to orbit our little rock, we decided to visit another!
Telecommunications were invented! We could now actually talk in real-time to someone on the other side of the globe!
The computer was invented! Built to decipher the enigma during the second World War, Collosus could be called the first computer (the origins are very hazy - distinguishing between calculating mechanical devices and actual computers (btw the term 'debugging' was because a moth flew into a relay and had to be removed! lol)
Air conditioning was invented, no more stuffy rooms!
The hovercraft! the first amphibious craft!
The microchip! - even better computers!
Traffic lights!
The Slinky!
Implantable pacemakers!
The lava Lamp!
The ring pull can!
The waterbed!
The walkman!
Postit notes!
The 'Rubik' Cube!
The mobile (cell) phone!
Dolly the Sheep!
Foldable Buildings!!
Thw Wankel rotary Piston engine!!!

raws desperate breath..........
We owe alot to the twentieth century. But much of that came about because of the wars.
Two World wars in half a century. A cold war that almost ended in nuclear holocaust.
The sad fact is that progress dreives itself from need. The greater the need, the further the progress.
But hey! we've started this century off well! Maybe we'll colonise Mars!!