Before I read this book I heard that it could be very depressing. I was kind of dissapointed when I didn't find it all that depressing. But now about a week after reading it, it's realy starting to kick in. Like if you havn't read the book stop here because I'm going to put some spoilers. Theres a few parts in the book where the main character thinks about thinks and it makes him sad, instances I remember, his mom buying him the wrong skates, a protstiutes dress, a guy in a theatre who practiced roller skating. For some reason latley that sort of thought has been popping up in my mind. But thats a pretty powerful recomendation for that book, or maybe its a criticisim. I'm not even sure...
Sorry thats kind of sloppily phrased, it came right from my mind to the computer, with no time in the middle to make any sence
same with that last part