My spring break has been. . . busy. . .
The upstairs to our house was a pig sty, and my sister moved out, so her room was a mess too, so I decided to clean it by myself 'cause no one would help me. . .
My trip to Toronto was Hell in a handbasket. . . our flight was cancelled in Chicago, (we switched planes a lot!) so we took a train from Chicago to Buffalo -- that took 13 hours. But, at the airport, they said if your final destination wasn't Chicago, they were sending your luggage on anyway! WTF?! Then, it was just a short, 2-hour drive from Buffalo to Toronto.
We check into our hotel, and they make us pay for the extra night (

) 'cause we were supposed to be there a day before. Then, we go and check me in for the competition @ the Sheraton Center. The. . . we'll say 'nice lady' . . . there said I couldn't compete 'cause I had a cut in my music, when it wasn't a problem the last two times I competed. . . AARGH!!
But, there was this nice, old man there, so he got the head of MTNA on the phone, who then OK'd the cut. (I did NOT like that woman!!)
To the practice session, we go! In yet ANOTHER building. . . (whose absolutely GENIUS idea was that?!) Practice went well. The accompanist was nice, so that kinda helped me out, 'cause my mom & I were stressed out the entire time. . .
Then, the next day I compete in the morning & come back for the awards ceremony. There were 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places, and I didn't get any of them. Ah, well, you can't win everything. . .
My family made an agreement -- if I didn't win, then we'd drive to Buffalo, get a room there, and maybe get our luggage back. The next morning we leave for the airport (across the street) and come back home. No problems flying back. I'm just happy to be home again.
Needless to say, I'm WHOOPED. Cherokee_girl, expect me to say that "I'm tired" in band on Monday.