Ok, so this post hasn't been umm posted on in a while, but I'm gonna have my say anyway gosh darnit.
It's hard to get a gun in New Zealand. To buy one, you need a gun license and then, once you have it, it needs to be registered. However, there have been a few cases that make me think gun control needs even more tightening.
We DO have gun stores, for those who legitimately need a gun... hunting I guess. Anyway, some guy ran into the shop demanding guns and waving a machete around and threatening to kill the proprietor. The clerk shot him, in the leg, there was drama, etc, etc, but my point is, you shouldn't be able to walk off the street into a shop and buy (or demand) a gun.
And more recently, the police raided a bunch of separatists who were storing illegal military style guns, molotov cocktails, napalm and unregistered guns. They had been threatening to kill all the whites in NZ. And the POLICE are the ones the public have flayed over it. Go figure, I knew there was a reason I'm leaving this country. ANYWAY, so these guys not only owned illegal guns, they didn't bother registering the ones they could have had legally. So maybe the process there needs cleaning up? Or maybe there should be NO GUNS except for military and police use.
I don't know. And whoever said guns don't kill people, people kill people, as a justification for allowing guns, must be pretty thick to not realise that if people didn't have guns, killing other people would be a lot more effort. Sheesh.