It is sad even for a robot to see that the once glorious human race had declined to the intellectual level of the current level. I blame that on the laziness of the mind. For that I have a solution. I will ask questions and you shall answer my questions.
It is understandable with your limited intelligent, you won't be competent enough to answer even the simplest questions generated by my enormous brain power, but that is not the point. The point is I can be greatly entertained by your stupid answers

Can you name one subatomic particle that can clean your house, balance your check book, cure the cancer and order a pizza? How many dimension does it travel in? How many tails does it have? What would happen if it loses one of its tails? Do you even know what a tail is?
OK, that's the easiest question I can generate today. If it exhaust your brain... you shouldn't have one at all. Try to replace it with a cabbage. It will do you good.