by Bomadeno on Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:55 pm
Sleeping at night is... the most annoying thing in existence. First, and importantly - sleep is infact a misnomer, sleep = sheep. This is a fundamental problem in your strategy. The sheep is the sleep, the sleep is the sheep. Also, you don't want to count your average farmyard sheep, you want BIG sheep - think cloud sized. And these sheep need to be content, they need to be fat, and filled with good food, listening to peaceful music, or maybe just nature, as sheep are naturally drowsy creatures.
I have trouble sheeping, sometimes... however sometimes I sheep too well. Its a very tricky situation, what with most people waking at a regular time. I also have pills though... although drowsiness is only a side effect, tis very useful for bedding down at night. Without them, I can easily stay awake without realising till 6am. I tend to rely on them to keep some kind of schedule in my life.