This is somewhat delayed, I haven't done an interpretation in a long time, and I'm somewhat rusty, but I'll give it a shot.
To me it sounds like an anxiety dream - it seems very like a description of the feeling of anxiety, the needing to get 'somewhere' but not being able to get ready for it. No matter how much preparation, always the nagging feeling "I've forgotten something... have I got my keys? (for the 10th time).
I would say, if you don't already know the cause, look for some kind of anxiety in your day to day life - maybe an assigment, a love interest, or a nagging mother. If you can find something and relieve that, it might stop these dream (or let you travel to beautiful places in them

If you find a cause, try to remember that you want to get to the destination, not pack your bags and prepare for it. Try to find out what the destination is, get there as fast as possible and buy all the other stuff you need when you get there. Unroll that metaphor onto the real world in the way that makes most sense if and when you find the problem.
Post back either way, for my curiosity if no other reason!