Thinking in itself is a dangerous state as it is the one in which you affect yourself and others most.
Truly deep thinking is best for philosophers, bad should you be giving orders, and unwanted should you be leading.
Whether one or none of these, thinking is a seductive poison feeds upon reason until reason is gone and only empty gestures of futility
( May or may not be a word) remain.
Hapless is the person that thinks often, Disgusted is the one who both thinks and sees,
and happy is the man who is blind to the world existing in his own mind.
The reasoning for this is that the man oblivious to the world within his own mind does not know that it exists,
and if he doesn't know it exists he doesn't know that it is a possibility waiting to become reality.
And because of this, the man is happy with the world as it is, never knowing what dreams he could achieve in thought,
Only expressing regret because he cannot achieve the dull bliss of the material, ignorant of the emphereal land of what could be.