nil wrote:Yes, and they don't have too imaginative names... Does "Big Bamboo" sound inspirational?
Generally North Americans are not as good in naming things as the British.
From what I've discovered, here at least in Southern California, Pubs and Bars aren't really the "in" thing to do. Most people attend places called "Clubs" or for a more descriptive term, "Dance Clubs". IN these types of places I have witnessed throngs of young people hyped up on multiple Red Bulls dancing to music that they like to call "Re-Mixes".
To fully describe the after-hours drinking crowd one must also consider the kareoke portion. Kareoke is very popular, but is usually only found in bars/pubs. For instance my local watering hole which I like to call "The Loser's Club", has kareoke on Fridays and Saturday nights. During this time I have been known to make a fool out of myself by singing such time honored classics as "The Pina Colada Song".
I guess my point is that I at least, consider the name of an establishment be the least important factor in deciding if a place is worth spending my time and money.
What this has to do with the topic of this thread...I dont know.