I have figured out the true meaning of life. It has not been easy... but it has been fun none-theless... The true meaning of life is purpose. The meaning is to find your purpose in life... your reason for being an intelligent creature... then teach others of the purpose of Humanity and in actuality Fulfill it.
I myself have never been able to find out my purpose in my short years on earth, nor do I wish to dedicate myself to finding it... I expect it to COME to me... as it does to everyone eventually.
It is said a life and death experience opens your eyes to the world. That is why people in a hostpital bed become seemingly more intelligent.
It also seems... that life is always a gamble... The more we bet the more we are able to win or lose. If we gamble our very souls for the purpose of a want or "need" of something, we can also win an extreme amount of pain after losing what you strived for so long to get.
Optimism and Anti-paranoia is the only way to live happily... You can't be a little prick either.
I'm going to allow you all to read this of your own wills.