I play a few online games... and many a time i have been asked to be peoples 'bf' or husband. Usually I find that the best way to get rid of them is make yourself completely unattractive to the person who is talking to you.
For example, telling people you are gay, that you are 67, or that you are a celebat monk, often puts them off.
Internet *relationships* however, are not a bad thing. Its only when a relationship becomes boyfriend/girlfriend or sexually orientated (now calling these... e-dating for shortenings sake) that they become bad. I have a few friends I speak to regularly on the internet, who as far as I need to know, I can trust. I will never meet them or see them, tub why would you need to with a friend?
With e-dating however, the implication is that sooner or later you will meet the person in question. Not only is this very dangerous, it could ruin the former friendship. And before its pointed out that the partners could never meet, much of the points of having a partner, is the physicality of the relationship. So any e-dating is likely to break down fairly fast anyway.
Also, in general - yes i have actually been doing a survey!

the people who ask you to date them, are nervous, 12-14 year olds who think it is the best way to earn the respect of their friends. They don't seriously know the meaning of e-dating, and particiapte in it for their own esteem. So kicking the questioner back can lead to more anxiety in them when it comes to a real realtionship with a real person. So possibly the best course of action is to explain this to them?
Nevertheless it will continue to annoy others - and particularly women. It seem that males are more likely to be on the hunt than females.
I found out a few other things too... tub I've forgotten most of them.