I think a lot of people expend a great deal of energy in worrying about things they cannot change or dreading the inevitable.
There is a lot to fear in the world and a great deal of uncertainty.
violence in the street
violence at home
paying your next bill
passing that exam
making new friends
getting that job
being likd for yourself
being loved despite your faults...etc. etc.
Somehow we muddle through. For me, the greatest fear-killer is knowing that there are always alternatives.
Stuff does happen and when it does there are often choices, sometimes surprising ones, before you.
We cannot alter anything in regard to our own deaths, or natural disasters. They come upon us randomly, and really to fear these things is to make our lives unbearable.
And then too, each generation has it's own bogeys: nuclear war, AIDS, meteors, terrorism, and lately, Avian Flu....... so many, many things to worry about!
But we can choose to live our lives without fear. We can make the decision to choose what is right and good for us. We each deserve to be happy and safe within our own little corner of the universe.
Don't be afraid to speak out if something is wrong. Don't be afraid to tell someone if something bad has happened.
Don't be afraid to be honest - about your feelings, about your beliefs and about what you think is right and wrong.
Don't be afraid to make that first step. Don't be afraid to smile at someone.
And, try to remember that everyone, has been afraid at some time, even though they may not look it - and if you are still afraid of that persopn, try to imagine them with a big piece of spinach stuck right in the middle of their front teeth!