by TheCountess on Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:15 am
depends on the circumstances, and the ONLY circumstances I would want would be if it endangers the life of the mother. I can understand victims of rape who get preganant wanting abortions, but c'mon, it's not the kids fault! And if you were dumb enough to go sleep with someone without proper protection, well you damn well better get used to it! There isn't the stigma attached to solo parents that there used to be, so it's not good enough as an excuse anymore. If you really can't handle it, adopt it out. You made it, you give it a chance to live. Babies are alive from the moment they're conceived, otherwise they wouldn't be able to grow. They say that conception is only a one in twenty chance, and there are so many people all over the world who cant have kids but want them. So unless its gonna kill you, give the kid a chance. Carry to term and adopt it out. To say that adopting would be to hard after carrying it.. hell yea! But c'mon, is killing it really the answer?