This anime movie "Metroplois" is based on a comic:
Set in the future, Metropolis is a grand city-state populated by humans and robots, the cohabitants of a strictly segmented society. Amidst the chaos created by anti-robot factions, detective Hunsaku Ban and his sidekick Ken-ichi are searching for rebel scientist Dr. Laughton. But when they locate him, his secret laboratory is destroyed by fire under sinister circumstances, and instead Ken-ichi finds Tima, a beautiful young girl bereft of memory and speech, seemingly helpless at the site. Little does he know that Tima is a new top-of the-line android created to take over Metropolis, and that behind her creation lie the ambitions of a powerful man and his fierce desire to reclaim a tragic figure from his past.
Which in turn is based on the old 1927 black and white, silent movie "Metropolis" directed by Fritz Lang.
This was an amazing movie for its time. It was re-released a while ago with a soundtrack by British group "Queen"
Which finds it roots in the ballet "Swan Lake"
Which is derived from..................?
The recurring theme is the evil character of Rotbart or Red Beard and two identical women, one good, one evil.
It's a great story in any form. Has anybody, apart from me, seen them??