Well, you don't say what you really want to happen??? Is she your room mate??? Are you a male or a female???
1. Do you just wish she'd go away and leave you alone?
2. Do you want to get the friendship on to a more casual hi-bye type footing?
3. Do you still want to be good friends but just not talk so much?
If it's the first two, then just start being unavailable. "Talk to ya later, gotta go..

" and rush off. I've got it down to a fine art. You spot the person, and you glide by, big friendly "HI! can't stop now, will see you later." The secret is, don't break your stride, just keep walking. If she chases you, keep going at the same pace, "Talk to you later, I'm already late........." If you stop even for a moment you're done.
If she's siiting at a table, go over say you can't have lunch today, or whatever, look sad and leave.
Be Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit, but only as much as you need to be to have a bit of peace and quiet.
She is what is known as "a babbling brook" and, as she's not shy, will find new friends and leave you behind as a casual acquaintance.
If the answer is 3 then you have a different problem. Here the answer is a little patience. But don't be unfriendly because if you're "a deep ocean" , it's nice to have "a babbling brook" around sometimes to get you going.
You are just starting college, once you settle in properly, you'll find she will know all the parties and fun things going on... and you'll both get to know more people and she won't be so ARRRGGGHHHH anymore.
If you are male, she's just happy to have found such a nice guy to hang with, it's when the lady can't find anything to say, that you need to start worrying. A lot of girls are babbling brooks and they team very well with a male deep ocean.........
The same above advice still applies, but be gentle!!!
(Guess which I am!
