I would be especially grateful if you could take only 5-10minutes of your time to fill in this questionnaire.
Please add info to the questions provided as appropriate and add any extra information if applicable on the lines provided.
1. How old are you?
14 – 20 years 21 – 30 years 31 – 35 years 35+ years
2. Are you male or female?
Male Female
3. How often would you like to buy the magazine?
Do not mind
Please specify_____________________________________________
4. How much would you be willing to pay for such a magazine on magic?
Less than £1
£1 - £2
£2 - £3.50
£3.50 - £4.50
5. Would you like to receive a gift with each issue?
Yes No Do not mind
If yes, what type of gift would you hope to receive?
A selection of small candles that are included in the spells in the magazine
A pack of tarot cards
A crystal that can be used (for example amethyst, rose quartz, tiger eye etc)
A selection of incense
Please specify_____________________________________________
6. How many pages would you like there to be?
Less than 20
20 - 40
40 - 60
60 - 80
80 – 100+
7. What image would you like to see on the front cover? (plesae feel free to put as many as you like)
A female
A male
A setting where magic takes place
A mythical image (e.g. fairies, goddesses etc)
Please specify_____________________________________________
8. How many contents pages would you like to see?
1 2 3 Do not mind
9. On these pages (cover and contents) would you like to see:
Small fonts Large fonts A mixture of different sizes Do not mind
10. Would you like to see some images on the contents page?
Yes No Don’t mind
If you answered yes, what would you like the images to be of? (Please tick as many as you want)
Images linked to items on each page
Witches in their robes
Images of the authors of each article
Mythical creatures (e.g. dragons, fairies etc)
Please specify_____________________________________________
11. What sort of things would you like to be featured in the magazine? (Please tick as many as you want)
Handy spells for everyday use
“How to” guides that do not include the use of magic
Useful tips for tarot readings
Daily horoscopes
What the future hold for you in (month)
Competitions for holidays, “magic” trips, spell kits, and games etc.
Interviews with spiritualists, celebrities of the magic world etc.
True life stories of past articles that people have tried
Please specify_____________________________________________
Thank you for sparing a few moments to complete this questionnaire.