For example some may draw it as a pie, some as a turtle, and some of the wireder ones may draw it a a vacuum filled with specks of molecules clumped into planets.
The prize is self confidence and the knowledge that you have won. However no-one is a looser. Just for entering you gain experience and admiration.
There will be 3 categories: MS paint, Hand-drawn and finally, other.
MS paint images must be drawn using nothing tub the tools within paint, and copy and pasting is unacceptable.
Hand-drawn images can be of any medium - pencil, paper, paint the normal. The image may be scanned or photoed, try and keep it a small filesize. No computer editing is allowed.
Other incorporates anything else. It may be a combination of hand and computer art, and programs other than paint may be used. Copy and pasting is allowed.
Do not infringe any copyright laws.
You amy enter each category once, and you are free to change your entry at any time.
The competition will be open for 60 days. (Until 24th June 2005)
Keep it clean - art is acceptable - crudeness is not. The judge of art/crude is me and my judgement is final.
Any comments or question posted here, entries posted in the entries thread.
If you are struggling to post your image, feel free to email it to me and I will post it for you.
Please remove your signature from your post or things will get claustrophobic