by Astarte on Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:28 am
A lot of dreams are just your brain sorting through junk - like when a computer scans for viruses or whatever - a lot of silly images that just melt into each other.
They aren't important and you forget them as soon as you wake up. But we also have dreams that are indicators of things that are bothering us, or solving a problem for us, or reminding us of something.
The sub-conscious is a very busy place - it deals with EVERYTHING that we experience in the day. It sorts things out for us while we are sleeping. Sometimes it does that through dreams and sometimes we wake up in the morning knowing what to do about something that has been bothering us all the previous day.
If you are open to what your sub-conscious is telling you, you will understand yourself better as time goes on. You might not know why you do certain things, but your sub-conscious does. Listen to it's little messages, let yourself relax enough that you can explore your true feelings.

...Weep no more...