by Astarte on Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:04 am
Your mom symbolises an authority figure.
The cat happily meowing in the switched on mirowave.... things not being as they should, illogical, topsy turvey
You trying to stop your mom but unable to... powerlessness.
As time moves on you become aware that you are often powerless to change things, despite the fact that you may feel that you know how those things should really be.
Things happen before our eyes and we are unable to stop or change them.
Yours is a very dramatic dream that may be related to something small that may have happened recently, that may have seemed fairly insignificant at the time, and your subconscious is just dealing with it.
Or, it may be related to something that you either fear could happen.... or something that has happened that wasn't right and you felt in no position to stop it.
You need to think about what is going on in your life, who your mom could be representing in the dream, what situation the cat represents and why you were unable to stop it.
It is quite a powerful dream and I suspect it is very relevant to an event in your life or perhaps even an ongoing situation.
What do you think?

...Weep no more...