hamster wrote:I was at an apartment complex visiting a friend (an apartment complex that exists in real life near my house but where she does not live). We weren't doing anything at all, if you get my drift, but we had the lights off nonetheless. I turned them on for a moment and she freaked out. Apparently it was against the law to turn on your lights after curfew.
I definitely think you are involved with someone or something that you aren't truly comfortable with.
Whatever it is, it is different from how you normally behave.
I also think you'd like to end the relationship/situation, but are a bit of a loss as to how to do this.
The fact that you turned on the lights during a curfew was a bit of a Freudian Slip. By turning them on you are basically creating an "accidental" but, nevertheless legitimate, excuse whereby you are forced to leave.
hamster wrote:I fled the scene but the cops were already arriving, a helicopter was buzzing overhead and I knew I was doomed. I kept running anyway, down into the woods -- and then I woke up.
When the police arrive, you don't take the friend with you. You flee the scene alone..... you are outta there!
Well, hamster, you wish to leave someone or something behind.
This very much ties in with your previous dream, if you'd like to look back at that. I think you're in past your comfort zone and it's time for the hamster to step back, take a little breather and work out what you really want from this relationship/situation.