by Bomadeno on Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:26 am
Sorry for the slow reply Pixyboo, but here's your answer.
The hatter police are what other forum's often refer to as moderators. To join, nil will have to pick you out as someone who can address issues, deal with problems and sort things out in general.
The hatter police have more rights than other members - but only use them for everyones benefit. We can modify posts, lock, delete, sticky, announce, and a few other bits and pieces that allow us to remove spam, tidy up and keep all well.
Anyone of any age or spelling ability can become a member of the hatter police.
nil is in charge of recruitment, so he's more the person to ask if you want to be considered.
On the left hand side of the forum is 'Usergroups' which can be joined, you might be interested in taking a look at them. You can also request a new user group be formed.