Bomadeno wrote: my lovely lovely fiance (woo)
Woohoo!!!! And many congratulations, boma!! I'm so glad that things worked out for you .
Bomadeno wrote:And I disagreee with this
Astarte wrote:I've always believed that in a relationship, although it is nice to hear, talk is cheap.
I think talk is very important - more than actions sometimes. The two work best in perfect harmony though - like a card tower! (but not as fragile, its a concrete card tower)
No. no. I believe communication is hugely important. And, I agree totally with what you say here.
But, I think you are talking about a loving relationship between two people - I'm talking about a lop-sided relationship.
I'm talking about people who say they love you but, everything they do says very plainly that they don't. People who keep you hanging on with the words "I love you" but treat you in a way that makes you feel small and disappointed, who joke about you in front of their friends, who are not interested in what you say, who turn up late for your birthday because they've been out with mates. It's a long, never-ending list of small slights that in themselves are not overly important but over time can add up to crush your heart. And yet, despite the way these people behave, they say, "But you know that I love you...."
Well, no, actually they don't.
Over the years, I have seen many people trapped in those kind of relationships, feeling very unhappy and frustrated, and confused, because an uncaring, selfish partner uses the the words, "I love you" as a means of holding them.
Love is kind, considerate, nuturing and thoughtful. Love is not repeatedly mean and hurtful and unkind.
That's why I say, although a person might be too shy to say the words, their actions plainly tell you that they do. In this case, when the words come, they will be real and precious.