and then underneath it, something like this (this is one i got a couple of hours ago):
In the evening she would sit for hours outside her caravan writing in a ledger,
A sour Scotswoman called Hooch,
With her one picture puzzle piece.
Dragged by a kid into the street
Believed in the right, let none push her back.
Children sold away from her, her husband sold, too.
The Modern Man she sang.
Many the burials, many the days and nights,
Passing away,
Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,
then from competing teams,
On the coat of the woman.
sent from: [Mrguedairamantoshkapnbi@yahoo.gr]
i'm not sure if this is just me or not, as lately most of my spam is very perculiar, with a big amount written in broken english like:
"acadia some eli or mary try candidacy it's incompetent not bolo or ecology or allude or adenosine it create in helsinki see callus ! gerundive or keyes be console may colorado in featherbed be inception some seller , catbird it calf in churchgo be cling it's aperture , threshold it's bedstraw try cavitate and porch may pinkish in dogberry see pique some bayesian try detention be dorchester"