When does it actually appear? Is it a little while after you've eaten something? If so, what paticulr things have you eaten?
I also had a pain in the chest........I began to worry about this pain a great deal, and then found I started to feel dizzy as well!!! The pain was getting worse and I was sure that I was going to die at any tick of the clock.
I eventually went to a specialist who looked at all the various results and asked what was happening in my life at that point. Well, my father had died about 18 months before, I was working for the most dreadful bully that I've ever met in a professional situation, etc, etc. It was not a good list. He suggested that although I was in perfect health the things that were happening around me were making me feel physically ill. I was under a lot of stress and we talked about what I could do to relieve that.
When Mr Astarte was in his last year at uni his stress also showed itself in physical symptoms. He spent no end of time at the doctors with an ongoing ear infection that was really horrible.
We decided to fly up tp Surfers Paradise for a weeks holiday after he finished his exam. Literally, the minute he walked out of the last exam, he began to feel better, he went straight to the airport from there and by the time he was in the air, his ear had stopped ringing and the bubbling had stopped. It was like a miracle! And since then it has reappeared to a much lessened degree if he is particulrly worried about something.
Sometimes we can be worried and upset about things, and try to push them out of our minds. Those bad feelings have to go somewhere and usually our bodies start to react in some way.
Maybe you are worried and upset about something and this is your body's way of telling you, you need to sit down, relax and think about it. And definitely go to a doctor, because if there is something wrong s/he will get you on the road to fixing it or you might find there's nothing wrong at all. Either way it will be a relief.