2 pac alive? this is none of the seven day theory

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2 pac alive? this is none of the seven day theory

Postby matthewbukowski1989 on Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:00 pm

right. if this makes sence to you like it does to me it should make you think wether 2pac is realy avive or not. as many people know close up to his death and after he rapped about movin back to calay as people still think he is their. i got a copy of the official coroners repor over 2 pacs death and its says the date and time of death was 13/9/1996 but i allso have a picture of his driving licience wich was issued to 2 pac shukur on the 5/11/96. ya cant issue driving liciences to people who are ''dead'' ive included the pics i have of both and i have high lighted the dates. see what ya think of it yourself. message back and start a disscusion on this topic. [/img][img][/img] if the images dont apear cos i dont think i added them right :S jus email me and ask for them on black-wal-street@hotmail.co.uk
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Baby Hatter
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Postby Bomadeno on Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:21 pm

Why would a driving license be issued to '2 pac shukur' - i'm sure thats not his legal name? I may be wrong but i remember reading about it on the moon, i mean somewhere, that his real name was.. something else.
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