by lycan on Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:34 pm
does any one know the true beging of turkey day or thanksgiving
i know chirstams it strated in the country of turkey
when a man by the name of saint nick gave persents to children
when the church say it they said he was celabrating the birth of chirst
so they said it was chirstmas but jesus was not born in december
if he was he would have died right after birth due to the cold he was actuall
born in june the month his dad had to go to the holy city bethlahem to check in
so the whole chirstmas is not chirstes birthday but they day a church wich
was the catholic church desided we will celebrate him
so give thanks for what u have and keep family and firends close
if we all have a special someone then they should just show themselfs sooner so we dont have to look so hard