Rules of this forum

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Rules of this forum

Postby nil on Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:49 pm

Please read this thread before posting.
Last edited by nil on Sun May 01, 2005 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Etiquette of Posting

Postby nil on Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:07 pm

Etiquette of Posting
You are free to say anything, make any spelling mistake or discuss any topics you like. The Universe has no preference and thus nothing can be off-topic.

However the following acts are highly prohibitive:
1) You can't be annoying. Although the Universe don't mind much about being annoyed but other habitants of the Universe do mind so. If you have repeating a specialty noun in more than three posts, you are probably violating this rule.

2) You can't say anything that's offensive to other people, racial groups, alien groups, animal groups, god or goddess groups alike. By doing so, you might be ignored by other people, sued by the offended racial groups, mauled by the offended animals, or anathematized by the respective god or goddess.

3) Spam... Any spammer would be cursed by our in-house voodoo master (who is very very powerful). Every spam will result in 5 years of unexplainable body pain incurred by our professional curser.

There are probably other things that are prohibitive but I can't remember for the time being. But just because I don't remember now, it doesn't mean it's allowed.

You are required to read my mind to understand what else is prohibitive.
Last edited by nil on Sun May 01, 2005 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Canada

Duty of a Hatter Police

Postby nil on Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:21 pm

What is the Duty of a Hatter Police?

The duty of the Hatter Police is to Hat and to Protect.

To Hat means to heckle those who violate the previous rules.
To protect means to protect the integrity of the Universe.

(the following is orginally from a pm to answer Bomadeno's question about the duty of a Hatter Police)

Actually, there's no duty but power. By possessing power, you can use to "fix" the Universe. I don't believe anyone can abuse the power, because by abusing the power, you destroy the Universe and thus lose the power you thought your originally possess.

But pragmatically speaking, none of us are very good at fixing things. What should we do and what we shouldn't do? That's why we need to follow the Way of the Purtle (i.e. a comprise between the Pie and the Turtle).

If you ask a Purtle what post should be destroyed (or deleted), he will say, use move but not delete. If you find anything offensive, just move it to a less offensive place, a thread call "garbage or disregarded posts or recycle bin" so it won't pollute the original topic and at the same time others who thought otherwise could still access the post if they want. If you find anything very important or interesting, you can make it sticky.

By doing so, you preserve the truthfulness of the Universe and at the same time sorting it into a more delectable taste (for everyone's consumption).

As for correcting the spelling mistakes... the Purtle says if you really have the time, there's really no rule in the Universe that's against correcting the spelling mistakes. As long as the original metaphorical meaning (if any) of the posts are preserved...

So if in doubt, always follow the way of the Purtle. He is the Way to the truth.
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Privacy Information

Postby nil on Sat May 07, 2005 5:36 pm

You should never post your real name in any on-line forum. It's not only viewable for people in the group, it's also viewable by anyone doing a search.

You are encouraged to lie about such stuff when doing registration. The only thing that needs to be real is your email address (for posting). You can select "hidden" so the email address will not be listed (it's hidden by default).

Also avoid mentioning your address, phone-number, credit card numbers, medical conditions, mental stability etc.
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Postby nil on Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:36 am

hmmm... try not to post with entirely random characters, unless it actually means something (in that case, please add additional explanations).

You are welcome to post as much as you want, but if all of them contain only one or two words, it would be a bit... you know...

An exception is in the Garbage Bin, which is pretty much rule free (except for spams).
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