Seems that we hardly ever get new topics started.
Here's a tutorial for everyone on how to create a thread!
Firstly think of something you want to discuss, or do, or ask about - like sausages, or maybe driving on the left or right side of the road, or King Albert, or your science coursework assignment, or to moan about your day at work.
Then, think to yourself 'where does this belong' - use our common sense here to pick the correct division of the forum.
Then click the 'new topic' button within that division, add a title and type away with your message.
More threads means more specific conversations, which means more talking, which should hopefully mean a more lively atmosphere.
Also, if more people start new threads, we should cover more keywords too. That means more visitors, which means more fun! (we're already the number one hit for water powered cars on the internet!)
Extra ways to get people to post more include: being specific, setting your own rules within your thead (like say, 'no messages below 250 words) add a poll, pick a topic relevant to everyone, use your imagination!!!