Here is one I wrote about chatting on MSN messenger:
Be it winter or summer, calm and bright,
Or tearing the heavens asunder with dastardly might,
We shall meet in this place to chat, and talk
Of better times when tall we could walk.
Through divergent ramblings old and new,
With perambulating difference of subject, false or true,
We have sternly battled wits with friend and foe
Seeking absolution for those full of woe.
We wile away the tedious hours with anecdotal frippery
Whilst absent-mindedly ticking off the hours to tele-visual comedy
The endless nights, and tedious days of working on phrases past
Will melt away in forgotten mist of a different world we lost.
Occasionally fate will throw the die, and turn up an extra pawn
To join the jumble of words and meanings with metaphorical thorn
We shall mock, praise, advise and plunder with relish and free from guilt
Without mercy strip of all self built shelter, in a mass of scorning lilt.
Yet kindness too can enter in, in its place when all is lost
To aid and support those driven to despair, in situations of great cost.
Our duplicity in fact and contrived obscurity, can mask a soul of peace
But once the fact is done and over, we’ll return with mockery to release.
In this endless, swirling whirlpool of text and repartee,
We search for some kind of solace, in the mundane mug of tea
But no sooner do we leave this commune and look to other places
Than we are relentlessly, irresistibly drawn back, like dogs to familiar faces
All this in great anticipation of some great common goal
Prowling about with trepidation, searching for a hole
While desperately striving, testing the other with many a quipish lash,
All is met in common worship of the all commanding HASH.
Does anyone else write poems? I would love to see them.